a journey of a starless night

serene. tranquil. peaceful.

i cooked.................again
this time, i made tom yam
instant tom yam to be exact
and the decision was also instant

i made blackcurrant added with evaporated milk and longan
you should try it yourselves :)

now, i am enjoying pomelo
farha's mother bought it for us

teringat semasa bersekolah agama di johor
susahnya rasa...
periksa darjah 6 memang payah
tak pernah pergi kelas bahasa arab sebab cikgu mengajar dalam bahasa arab
tak paham..
masa periksa, tembak je jawapan
tak pun meniru
ye..saya mengaku
saya meniru dalam exam

paling suka subjek jenayat, muamalat dan faraid
tapi sekarang semua dah lupa
berkarat dah otak

kelas munakahat tak menarik
ustaz suka cakap bukan2
ustaz muda yang suka kat orang cantik2 je :P

kelas akidah, ibadat, tasawwuf...

periksa darjah 6 dapat pangkat 2 aggregat 20 (kalau x silap)
hahahaha...gila besar nombor tu ha

masuk darjah khas
kelas seminggu sekali. hari sabtu
tu pun payah nak datang
sebab kena kayuh basikal ke sekolah yang jauh dari rumah
kelas start pukul 8 pagi sampai 1 petang
kalau belajar hadith, mesti terus tertidur
x pernah langsung hafal hadith
last sekali, berhenti darjah khas

i am not at the top of my game
i am lost
i freak out
i am afraid...

buat pertama kalinya, aku berbuka di operation theatre semalam
gila gigih
even the staff and doctor pun terkejut tengok kitorang wujud lagi kat OT masa berbuka
yang sebenarnya, malas nak ulang alik ke bilik semata-mata untuk berbuka
duduk jela kat situ sampai habis on call

ok. pagi ini aku teringin nak senaraikan mitos-mitos yang selalu terjadi ke atas aku dalam bulan puasa

1. akan sakit perut kalau minum air sejuk untuk sahur
2. amat susah sebenarnya untuk bangun sahur
3. gastrik (atau ala2 gastrik) akan menyerang pada awal bulan puasa. kali ni dah xde dah
4. menjadi raja segala siput babi kerana menghabiskan waktu siang dengan tidur membuta tuli
5. kebelakangan ini lebih senang menyediakan sendiri makanan berbuka walaupun kosnya lebih mahal daripada beli bungkus
6. terawih di surau digantikan dengan terawih di dalam bilik (yang ini, buruk perlakuannya)
7. akan mula lapar amat apabila jam menunjukkan jam 6 petang (kadang2 lebih awal dari itu). pada masa tu, akan seboleh-bolehnya mengelak dari melihat jam dan melekakan diri dengan benda2 lalai. ish3
8. xtau pe dah....

rasa cam nak sambung tidur la

Day 2:
we had opening ceremony in the morning
we were supposed to meet the speaker at 7am but we only woke up at 7.30am :P
by the time we reached the ballroom, he was not there

minister of higher education should officiate the ceremony but failed to turn up
did not know what the reason was

we were happy because the hall was almost full
it was an amazement to see that because according to our experiences, nobody attends scientific seminar
usually, most of the seats were empty
but this time, it was the other way round :)

all 3 lectures went smoothly
i even asked few questions to speakers

the scientific seminar ended at 12.30pm
we had our lunch and straight away get ready for next activity

we gathered at the lobby at 2pm
we were supposed to go for city tour
since there were almost 400 people, the situation was kind of chaotic
and then, it rained....
thus, it delayed our plan

went to fort cornwallis, art museum, chocolate factory and batik factory
these places are the places i would not go if i were with my friends ;)
bought 3 boxes of chocolate which costed me rm50+. damn mahal...

from all these places, the tour guide dropped us at gurney plaza
plan was to have dinner at gurney drive
but since aizat really wanted to eat char kuetiau, so i gave iryna a call and asked her to bring us to eat char kuetiau

on the way back, iryna dropped us at the night market and we walked the whole stretch of night market back to the hotel
waaaa!!!saket kaki...
nevermind la

i cooked for berbuka puasa yesterday
the afternoon class was cancelled due to miscommunication
went to supermarket in front of husm to buy ingredients for cooking
i bought chicken, rempah ratus and mee

in progress...

dah siap
(maaf. cara hidangan tidak menarik. tapi tidak mengapa kerana rasanya sedap~~)

Day 1:
we were supposed to check out from blue diamond hotel and headed straight to bayview beach resort
it was relieving to get out from that place
once we got there, we looked for any warung for breakfast
the organizers didn't provide breakfast for us that morning
damn lapar....
we walked down the streets and entered a coffee shop
i ordered teh tarik and nasi goreng
kenyang sangat sebab banyak sangat

at 3pm, we had rehearsal for welcoming dinner that night
i sat there, walking here and there, and did something here and there

preparing for SRC and scientific seminar
jun tu gelak je lebey :P

the group leaders tapi jarang ada dalam group :P

around 5pm, we were asked to go to the airport to fetch the international participants
the journey took one hour and another hour to get back to the hotel
the airport was full with us swarming around
they brought big luggage each like they wanted to stay forever
berat pulak tu

we were late for the welcoming dinner (as usual, i am a latecomer)
once i seated, i straight away helped myself with the food
i sat with a group of people from different countries
bibiana - the group leader (UKM)
aizat - NUS
chyntia - Prof Dr Moestopo University
hanwei - Taiwan (couldn't remember the university)
there were 2 Betty - both from taiwan
shandy - University of Indonesia (youngest among us all.comel lak tu :P)
aga - i think he's from Airlangga University
nayu - Korea

aizat is the talkative one. he talked a lot and influenced me to do so
the rest were not so chatty. aga and nayu talked the least

nayu. me. aga. chyntia. hanwei
betty. shandy. bibiana. betty
aizat was the one who took this pic

done eating, i had to attend the post mortem meeting
i slept half way because they dragged the meeting

me and few of my friends joined the Asia Pacific Dental Students Association (APDSA) Congress held in Penang last week
we went as local organizing committee
i was the vice president III and at the same time helped my friend to organize Scientific Research Competition for the participants

departed by van last sunday
the journey was disastrous
the driver drove like a mad man while we at the back suffered from massive buttock and neck injury disebabkan halaju tinggi dan dengan selamba melanggar lubang-lubang di jalan raya

we were supposed to overnight at a cheap hotel before we checked into the Bayview Beach Resort
this cheap motel was located at chulia street and aiyak!!!!
the condition reminisced me of "the Good Old Days" chinese drama
nevermind la...
we just prayed that nothing happened (e.g a drunk man entered our room and bla bla bla)
i couldn't sleep that night
nak nanges je sebab xleh tido...

semalam berbuka puasa dengan mee bandung dan sata serta nescafe panas

hari ini, lauk best sikit
ada nasi putih, sambal tumis ikan bilis dengan petai dan batang keladi masak lemak
mahu buat air blackcurrant la

selamat berbuka semua~

have to get ready for a trip to some place
just arrived here yesterday
and today have to go to another place
really makan duit tau...

won't be here for a week
dah kena marah ngan patient tadi sebab dah lama x bagi appointment
sori pakcik. xde klinik la...
nak buat camne

hop on the bus back to usm at 6pm yesterday
stopped at genting sempah to change and bought dinner
slept all the way to kb
arrived at 1.30am
it felt like i was riding a horse
sakit segala urat belikat

seminar in ukm was syiok
i enjoyed most of the topic presented tapi x paham satu benda pun sebab x belajar lagi mende alah tu

this morning, i have no patient
tenang je klinik sebab xde orang

i am going home tomorrow

will be getting on the bus tonight for a trip to kl with classmates
we are having a course at ukm kl
faeez!!sila jemput aku

x pernah lekat kat bilik kalau weekend
kering purse aku

i cried a silent cry
nobody is here whom i can share my sorrow with

everything is everywhere
but none can erase the uncertainty

to look into the depth of emotion
mind is clouded
clear view could not be appreciated

i wish for a better day,
a better weather

i pray for wisdom
to guide me through the endless road

(feel like crying but i can't)

banyak benda yang tersimpan tapi x boleh nak diluah
redha jela~~

memandu dari kota bharu ke klang pada malam jumaat bersama sepupu
kami berdua saje
sampi turn aku bawak lak...
aku xtau jalan
sampai rumah terus tidur sampai pukul 10
(considered awal bagi aku ye..)
dan terus sahaja menolong makcikku masak untuk tahlil petang tu
aku pemalas. mana aku nak tolong keje2 dapur sebelum ni

esoknya, kami berombongan ke melaka
cousin ku tunang..
bersempitan di dalam kereta dengan hantaran
saket pinggang sebab seat keta rendah sambil memangku hantaran dan juga terpaksa duduk 3 orang yang saiznya agak besar
anak buah carik pasal sebab gedik nak tidur baring
amat sempit ye keadaan ketika itu

malam semalam juga la aku pulang ke kota bharu yang serba permai ini
berpikir berhempas-pulas dan membaca buku teks di atas bas dalam keadaan gelap sebab ada seminar yang perlu dibentangkan
lecturer in charge terkenal dengan kegarangannya..

naik teksi untuk ke kampus
x tanya pun tambang berapa sebab selama ni aku memang x pernah tanya
apabila sudah sampai;
aku : berapa pakcik?
pakcik : rm20
aku : mahalnya!selama ni saya naik rm15 je 9tiba2 je pitch tinggi)
pakcik : eh..mana ada. saya bawak orang selama ni memang rm20
aku : tipu. saya bayar rm15 je, rm13 je sebelum ni. dengan pakcik asal lak kena rm20?
pakcik : saya bagitau je rm20. ikut awak la nak bagi berapa. saya x kisah. pagi2 lagi dah tinggi suara macam ni ( jam pukul 5.20pagi ketika itu)
aku : tak kira. saya nak bayar rm15 jugak (dan aku pun hulurkan rm20.kex xde duit kecik la ni)
pakcik : ikut la nak bayar berapa pun.
(kemudian, dia ambil duit tu)
pakcik : xde duit kecik ke?
aku : xde. itu jela duit saya ada.
pakcik : habis tu macam mana ni?
aku : saya nak bayar rm15 gak
pakcik : dah, saya xde duit kecik
aku : kata berniaga. kenapa pulak xde duit kecik?
pakcik : saya x berniaga. saya ada duit kecik tapi rm10 jela semua
(aku pun korek2 syiling dalam purse dan bagi dia)
aku : nah. terima kasih

bengang aku pagi2 buta dengan pakcik teksi
aku cam muka dia
memang xnak naik keta dia lagi

About Me

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sarcastic. hot-tempered. self-centered.