a journey of a starless night

serene. tranquil. peaceful.

morning everyone
it is 8am and i am supposed to have class at 8.15am
as usual, i am always later

i am having my breakfast right now
want to join me?
i have hot nescafe, bread, cheese and black pepper powder
if only i have toaster and i woke up earlier this morning, i would make myself french toast

at this moment, i don't feel like doing anything
i just want to go home...

i hate sundays
i hope that every day is friday. i just love spending time in bed and watching DVDs on weekend

by the way, exam is in january
which makes me realize i don't have enough time to cover all the topics
i have to pass the exam or i won't be able to sit for the professional exam in may

i always forget what i read and the lecturers think that i don't read because i seem to not know everything

i have a thought that may be i am not fit in this area
maybe this is not the field where i belong

patient tidak datang pagi ini
kebosanan aku sepagian
requirement banyak lagi belum buat
sempat ke??

i hope my patient will come today
i've scolded one patient yesterday because he didn't bother to answer my call or even reply my SMSes
kalau dah balik kampung lama2 tu, bagitau jela. kan dah kena marah sebab x cakap betul

i have one ideal case for bridge work but apparently, he couldn't be reached on his cell or house number
jangan la camni encik. saya mau carik makan

sape ada masah gig bergoyang tapi xde cavity (i am looking for patients with gum problem here), sila beri nombor telefon anda supaya saya boleh panggil anda datang ke klinik dan jumpa saya yang comel ini (ye. sila muntah)

i slept through the night. how satisfied my mind is :P
tu pun ada hati nak bangun lambat lagi

hari ini masuk hari ke-6 pinggang aku sakit
it started last sunday bila semalaman aku tidur tiarap (oh. itu memang kebiasaan)
the next day, i had a backache
it disturbs my daily activities
i cannot sit for a long period, i cannot drive, i cannot perform prayers well
the only time i don't feel pain are when i am standing/walking and lying

i thought it will go away, you know like a usual back pain you had when you sleep in a wrong position
but this doesn't

i don't know what's happening
sometimes it gets worse
sometimes the pain disappears

at this moment, i am lying on my chest in my bed
and i feel comfortable

hari ini session dental public health akan dilaksanakan di klinik ante natal dan tadika
sebab lecturer ada kat situ untuk assess
kalau buat merepek, siap sedia la untuk dimarahi

nanti kat tadika, kitorang akan berlakon

ada tgh jadi tempat simpan habuk kat rak
alhamdulillah...usaha last minute terbayar

ni cerita lama
belasah jela

my friend was admitted to observation ward emergency dept last night
she has an allergic reaction towards NSAID after taking it for her foot pain
i was with her until 2am until i could not tahan my sleepiness
left her there until morning because she was under observation for 6 hours
today, she looks way better than yesterday

at this moment, i am so into "THROUGH MY WINDOW"
i have been mashing up the song in the hope that at least i win RM10
i don't even know how to read musical notes :P
never mind la, for suka2 only

ada sesuatu berlaku semalam
perkara yang agak x munasabah la

malam sebelumnya, aku ke emergency department sebab on call
tunggu kat sana sampai pukul 2 pagi
sampai bilik je, cepat2 bersiap dan tidur

aku hanya bangun bila handphone berbunyi sebab patient call
baru teringat ada bagi appointment pukul 8.30 pagi
bila tengok jam, dah pukul 9.30 pagi
apa lagi, terus mandi dengan sepantas kilat dan speed walk ke klinik

bukak pintu klinik je mana2 classmates yang bertembung bagitau,
"eyh.x pegi kelas eh?bapak angkat kirim salam.berani ko x pegi kelas dia"
aku pun, "kelas pe?"
mereka, "case presentation dengan dean"
aku, "sumpah aku lupa betul. huhu"

dah lupa kan, nak buat camne, teruskan jela hari tu dengan examined patient dan buat scaling

pagi tadi, terserempak dengan dean dan terus mengaku bersalah sebab x pegi kelas dia
memang aku lupa betul...

dean tanya aku, "how's your clinic and study?"
jawapan aku mestilah, "slow je prof..."
dia ada cakap, final year tahun ni agak slow kalau nak dibandingkan dengan 4th year
our knowledge is too superficial
ni mesti kes aku buat salah kat klinik dah sampai kat telinga dia

aku sudah cuak
sempat ke nak fulfill requirement yang banyak tu dalam masa 5 bulan?
benda2 macam ni la yang selalu buat heart rate aku racing dan aku selalu pening kepala
habis tu, nak macam mana lagi...

i cry silently
in the middle of the night
when nobody is here
whom i can share my feelings with

i am just a girl
who still needs kisses and hugs
and assurance that everything is going to be okay

About Me

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sarcastic. hot-tempered. self-centered.