a journey of a starless night

serene. tranquil. peaceful.

i'm home. for good. finally
tapi dah tak boleh duduk diam. asyik nak keluar je. tapi duit takde :P

the grueling 5 years has ended and i am relieved. alhamdulillah~
segala puji bagi Allah kerana telah menjadikan mimpi ini satu kenyataan
to the teachers and colleagues, i am wholly indebted

i can't wait to start working soon. takut skill tumpul la. silap2 nak carve amalgam pun dah lupa
sesiapa nak jadi my patient, sila angkat tangan!!!!!!!



saya!!! (dua2 tangan terangkat) :D

saya juge!!! :D

meh la. meh la

About Me

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sarcastic. hot-tempered. self-centered.