spending time in kl with the other half and close friends
mm...have to come again next week for job interview, written exam and god knows what
i don't care what will be next. i just can't wait to start working. i'm afraid i will lose my skill if i leave the clinical environment too long. huhu :(
for the record, i watched The A-Team for 3 consecutive days
the movie was great. the storyline was great. i love action movies. weehee~~
Capt HM Murdock is THE MAN!!!
i think Jessica Biel did nothing in the movie except looking pretty. huh!
i am going back to johor tomorrow. muhammad is having fever (according to him) and asked me to come home ASAP. nak pergi jalan-jalan la tu :P
i can't help it that i am doing mental notes on what is the dental treatment plan of strangers i meet everyday. haha. typical dental student. and i still feel awkward if people address me as "doctor". need time to get used to it
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website kami www.kumpulbagi.com atau www.facebook.com/kumpulbagi/ untuk info selengkapnya.
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