a journey of a starless night

serene. tranquil. peaceful.

woke up at 10am

took a shower and pressed my kebaya for wedding invitation
watched tv while waiting dama and zanna to get ready

our friend, nurul fahizha, was getting married on 24th in sungai petani

we only got out from the house at 2.30pm
we were late
by the time we reached there, not many people left
i missed the makan berdamai and photo shoot on the pelamin

the pelamin
patutnya kaler purple
nampak kaler gold lak

the hantaran from the bride's
x kira lak ada bape

the bride
she's beautiful

hugs from me
congratulations ex partner

sudah diikat...


Waaa...cantiknya inai kat tangan tu. Tahniah kat kawan you :)

cantik kan?
i pun ingat nak buat camtu gak la nanti

my cezen laa tu.

cantiknya inai tu..
nak gak..


mesti mahal kan?

About Me

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sarcastic. hot-tempered. self-centered.