how many times should we brush our teeth?
answer: at least twice daily. once in the morning and before bed. by before bed, i mean, after your last meal and you are sure that you are not taking any food after that. if you do, please feel free to brush your teeth once again.
how do i choose my toothbrush?
answer: please use soft-bristled toothbrush. full stop. and please use fluoridated toothpaste because fluoride will make your teeth more resistant to acid attack.
can i use mouth rinse?
answer: yes, you can. but do not substitute tooth brushing with mouth rinsing. mouth rinsing alone will do nothing good. tooth brushing coupled with flossing is the best method to maintain your oral hygiene.
i always forget to bring my toothbrush wherever i go? how can i maintain my oral hygiene if i go outing?
answer: tooth brushing after every meal is recommended but this is not practical. what you can do is, rinse with tap water after you eat. this will at least remove any food particle and debris. and please drink plenty of plain water to neutralize the acid formed every time you eat.
why my gum always bleed every time i brush my teeth?
answer: because your gum is inflamed. in other word, you have gingivitis. it is caused by plaque formed after you eat. plaque can be removed by tooth brushing and flossing. consult your dentist for the correct tooth brushing technique. accumulated plaque sometimes hardens and become calculus. calculus can only be removed by scaling.
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago
ini dentist sejati nih. haha ^^
long live dentists!!
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