aish...i forgot that i have a quiz to submit today
i slept early last night until 6.30am..lama x lama..huhu
woke up and suddenly i remember i haven't do the quiz yet and the letter to MDA!!!
o my gosh!!
i'm such a lazy brat :P
the letter can be done at haida's once i reach there tomorrow
i know how it feels to lose someone you love so much
i lost mine too
but you have to be strong
there's no other way to make it
you can be strong
you are only 17
live your life
you still have your father who loves you, right?
i hope you are doing well and fine
i can't focus
i can't think straight
i can't sleep
i feel dizzy
a bit disorientated
and rasa macam nak demam
i don't have paracetamol. took one tablet 3 days ago
aish..please don't sick
i'm going to kl this weekend
nak jalan jauh ni...
ish..aku penat la
dah2. dok sana jauh2
ada aku kesah?
tuan punya badan (akulah tu), sila senyap
An anniversary (from the Latin anniversarius, from the words for year and to turn, meaning (re)turning yearly; known in English since c. 1230) is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or, if planned, the inaugural of the event. One year later would be the first anniversary of that event. The word was first used for Catholic feasts to commemorate saints.
(taken from wikipedia)
today, at 7.28pm, 10 years ago
my father had left us, forever
he passed away leaving us behind in this world
AYAH, kakak rindu ayah sangat2....
happy 22nd birthday to FARHA basri and AIN roslan
may both of u have the prosperous year ahead
may your lives are blessed till the end
i love you, girls :)
he forgot about today...
terasa sayu dalam kebingitan
keliru untuk membuat keputusan
jiwa bagaikan kosong
lontaran kata bagaikan tak bermakna
saat itu terasa ingin mengundurkan diri
dari persada dunia penuh noda
jujur ku katakan
aku tak cocok berada di tempat ini
hatiku gusar
bicaraku tak menentu
langkahku pincang
kawan itu siapa?
teman itu yang bagaimana?
aku tidak punya semua itu
tolong aku, kuatkan semangatku
aku masih ingin teguh berdiri
aku bukan semalu
yang menguncup tatkala disentuh
aku ingin terbang bebas
melihat seluruh isi alam
merasa kemanisan hidup dalam pelukan sayapku
you hugged me tight
not wanting to let me go
every time i lay upon you
you brushed my cheeks
not wanting to let me cry again
every time i lay upon you
you whispered into my ears
not wanting to sever the fragile heart
every time i lay upon you
you stroked my hair
not wanting to let it covers my face
every time i lay upon you
for most of the reasons
you just wanted me to be there for you
hoping i will always be there
to cherish and to create beautiful memories together
good morning :)
i woke up early today
made a cup of nescafe with mexican bun
i have a date today
she's a youthsayer too
KEY....i'm meeting you :)
hope i can get along with her
if we can in the forum, why not in the real life, right?
mmmm.....she asked me to accompany her to her brother's friend's wedding in pengkalan chepa
she will fetch me at my hostel and gossiping all the way
oh, by the way
i like the poem below this post
dalam hati sepi
jiwa terasa kosong
izinkan bibir melakar kata indah
bulan itu sedang berbicara
kala bumi diselaputi kegelapan
angin itu membawa kerinduan
kala bumi diselimuti awanan
ombak itu meraih perhatian
kala bumi disimbah cahaya mentari
jangan pergi saat diri masih perlu
jangan pergi saat diri masih sendiri
jangan pergi saat diri masih belum kuat
aku tidak seperti karang di lautan
yang teguh berdiri melawan alunan ombak
aku tidak seperti pohon kayu itu
yang teguh berdiri melawan deru angin kencang
aku hanya insan biasa
yang masih ingin kasih dan sayang
aku hanya insan biasa
yang masih ingin perhatian
aku hanya insan biasa
yang masih ingin menyimpan memori
i'm such a cry baby
yes, i admit that
i cry easily because i have a sensitive heart
that is why i don't want to be a doctor
i pray to ALLAH hoping that my beloved family, friends either near or distant are in the pink of health, always..
i love you all. maybe i don't show it but you have to know that i love you
when the sun sets
the moon appears
accompanied by the shining stars
i take a walk
by the beach
the breeze caressing my cheeks
the musical sound of the wave
makes me lost into the night
alone i am
to discover the feeling
fiery as red
calming as blue
pure as white
mystery as black
i search for the answer
i long for the truth
the sun rises
brings new hope
if only i have the strength
to continue my journey
if only i have the courage
to face a new episode
if only....
i had a very long sleep yesterday
from 8.30pm till 8.00am this morning
so tired and it was raining
woke up early because we have lecture this morning by guest lecturer from indonesia
the deputy dean made it compulsory for all year 4 and year 5 students
it's holiday but we have class
simpati la sikit
this morning my school will be having a students scientific conference
i'm the emcee for opening and closing ceremony together with yan
i don't have kebaya so i'm wearing my baju raya
it's blue black
i don't have any make up and i don't know how to put it on my face
so i will be the emcee with plain face
i hope my tongue doesn't twist during the event
good luck to me
beauty is subjective
beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
beauty captures the heart of people who sees it
i am not a pretty girl
neither am i ugly
when people say thin is pretty
i would say plump is cute
when people say fair is pretty
i would say tan is gorgeous
when people say straight hair is pretty
i would say curly hair is sexy
because i am all the above
and i do feel good
and yes i am good
i don't whine
i don't complaint
i am me
by agnes monica
gwe suka banget :)
Setiap tetes air mataku
Telah kuberikan untuk kisahku
Mengerti tapi tak dimengerti
Cintaku tlah di ujung jalan
Setiap kata dari bibirku
Kadang tak sama dalam hatiku
Tersenyum dalam hati menangis
Cintaku tlah di ujung jalan
Aku sangat mengenalmu
Aku juga cintaimu..
Tapi kau tak pernah ada pengertian
Ku senang,ku sedih
Kau tak mau tahu
Aku sangat mengenalmu
Dulu kau tak begitu
Kau bintang di hatiku
Jadilah yang kumau
Ku senang,ku sedih
Kau ada denganku
Ku mengerti kau apa adanya
Begitupun yang kumau darimu
Kau tahu rasanya diabaikan
Cintaku telah di ujung jalan
berat kaki melangkah
meniti denai tak berpenghujung
sesah gelisah
kerana bersendirian
fikiran berputar
melihat dunia yang entah apa jadinya nanti
sesah gelisah
kerana bersendirian
pandangan kelabu
tidak nampak arah
sesah gelisah
kerana bersendirian
biar sendiri
asalkan tahu jalan pulang
biar sendiri
asalkan teguh pegangan
(ini adalah karangan yang paling tidak menarik yang pernah terhasil.sekian, terima kasih :P)
i'm trying to describe about myself here
so, please bear with it
1. i am a lazy person
2. i am a night person
3. i am a last minute person
4. i can be very loud at some time and very timid at another time
5. i have loud voice
6. i eat a lot (just look at my size *straight face* )
7. i like coffee
8. i can do multitasking but it depends on my mood
9. i sleep a lot
10. i am stingy
11. i am hypocrite
12. i am secretive
13. i love my handwriting
14. i am fussy most of the time but not all the time
15. i prefer using plain paper rather than test pad
16. i am very particular about lines. they must be straight. no jagged lines allowed
17. i've never been to karaoke (sila jangan gelak)
18. i love mathematics and physics
19. i do my work at a very slow pace
20. i am not a good driver
21. i talk fast
22. i don't like people who point their fingers to other people when they don't want to do something
23. i admire a strong willed person (ehem2 kepada TPK :P)
24. i don't really like animals
25. i love white, red, black and purple
26. i sleep in the class (who doesn't?)
27. i spend a lot
28. i like beaches and waterfalls
29. i write with black pen unless none available
30. i don't like waiting
above are 30 somehow true facts about me. will tell you more later
padan muka :P
there's one guy who keeps on calling me to ask me out
i've given him various excuses including the lamest one but he acted like he knew nothing
rimas la aku
happy 24th birthday to big bro SUFFIAN
happy 22nd birthday to IZZATI
may ALLAH bless both of you always
may there's always a penny or two in your pocket
may there's always laughter to fill up your days
may there's always enough food to fill your stomach
may there's always hope for you to hold onto
may there's always love everywhere in the world for you
happy birthday :)
it's raining heavily
being an emo girl
i love this kind of weather especially at night
it represents me somehow
i wish i could be more outgoing instead of in control
The best poem of 2006
This poem was nominated by UN as the best poem of 2006, Written by an African Kid
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you grey
And you calling me colored?
taken from : http://eunicerubbish.blogspot.com
next week the true session will be started
am i confident enough to do this?
am i good enough to finish this?
o my...i pray to Allah that everything goes smooth sailing
speaking of sailing, i wonder when will i get the chance to go cruising
anybody here wants to treat me??
i wish i have a bank account loaded with money
but the reality is ugly :P
thank to farie for accepting my invite to youthsays
and we need more youths to make Malaysia a better place
peace <3
i have to prepare the MC script for students scientific conference which will be held this thursday
the lecturer in charge wants to see it tomorrow
i don't have any idea on how to do the introductory. tried to search for the event from the internet but turned out useless
what am i gonna do???
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