a journey of a starless night

serene. tranquil. peaceful.

you hugged me tight
not wanting to let me go
every time i lay upon you

you brushed my cheeks
not wanting to let me cry again
every time i lay upon you

you whispered into my ears
not wanting to sever the fragile heart
every time i lay upon you

you stroked my hair
not wanting to let it covers my face
every time i lay upon you

for most of the reasons
you just wanted me to be there for you
hoping i will always be there
to cherish and to create beautiful memories together


nice one (",)y

*sigh* thanks for the shoutbox comment.

though I wonder how long more. I waited. If the Lord requires me to wait, I'll wait on...

(by the way, read Resolution and Independence by Wordsworth ?)

to magma:
thank you

to annette:
never heard of Resolution and Independence by Wordsworth
is it a book?

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sarcastic. hot-tempered. self-centered.

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