had a date with key. hehe
asked her to accompany me to buy new shoes for class
kasut yang ada sekarang tapaknya dah tertanggal :(
she fetched me at hostel around 3pm. withdrew money from bank islam (tinggal sikit je...) and went to kb mall
went from one shop to another until i found one at the last shop
took it and headed to mcDonald's
i haven't had any meal since last night and i was damn hungry
i ordered mcvalue meal spicy chicken mcdeluxe and key order cheeseburger, mcshaker and mcflurry
we chatted along the way. we talked on the issue that's been going on in the forum. tak sangka sampai jadi camtu..
had a look at my watch. it's 5.30pm but the sky outside was gloomy like it was already 7pm
on our way back, i asked her to stop for awhile at maybank. had to bank in some cash (lebur....)
reached hostel at 6.30pm and bid her goodbye
hope to see you again
maybe we can go to to youth 09 together
i really want to join the crowd there
where is my free pass?....
lol cepat betul update.dah lama xdgr org panggil keypadlock. bring back memories larr :D
insyaAllah...kita g youth09.i dah kasi tau my mum awal2 but she said nothing.huhu...
yeah where is our free pass :(
gigih hapdet namanya :P
sama2 menunggu kehadiran free pass itu
adakah anda bergossip tentang saya?
p/s: tataw la plak korg keep in touch together2~...good job!
motif bergosip[ tentang anda?
perasan sunggoh :P
meh kita reramai pegi youth 09
looks like u had a great time..
semak tul la..
asik dating je.. :P
nak gak.. heheh
Anda telah di tag oleh saya!!
Sila ke Blog saya untuk membuat laporan selanjutnya...
rispta: pe yang semaknya? x semak langsung okayh...
jom ar dating sesama nak?
al: yup. we had a great time together. gossiping all the way. haha
memang!kopipes ngan ripsta paling byk kena gosip, apart of khailee sbb x kasi pass lagi :P
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