first..i misplaced my purse and lost it
contents--> IC, driving license, ATM cards,matric card, discount card, PADINI card, traveling card and of course cash
only realized i didn't have my purse with me while i was in the clinic
plan is, to ask pak guard tonight
at 9pm, together gether we rehearse
tomorrow morning, we have ortho SGD
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago
ish ish ish...dah jumpa wallet belum?
kesian adik aku sorang ni.
lom jumpa lagi..
xkan jumpa kot rasanya
hayooo....ciannya kamu...erk...perlukah mention discount card, padini card dulu b4 cash...bukan cash dulu ker yg bermain-main di minda
faeez....kamu memang tau..
itu semua spontaneous
aku teringat padini card ngan discount card dulu
nak wat cmne kn
faeez....kamu memang tau..
itu semua spontaneous
aku teringat padini card ngan discount card dulu
nak wat cmne kn
ok..ok..statement anda tidak perlu di-stress sehingga menjangkau dua post...hoho..terdouble post nieyh..hoho...harusla...kalo aku akupun akan lament mende-mende picisan ni dulu then baru fikir pasal cash...sebab cash suma slalu takdo pon...berlagak jer lebih...ehehe..this is my version of exact situation
"IC, Lesen L, Lesen ;P (emoticon disengajakan.harap maklum), ATM cards, matric card (perlu untuk masuk ukm secara haram di waktu malam.just in case!), topshop card, grafitee card, starbucks card (ni pun perluker?), no kontek one night stand semalam (ni for sure la tipu!hihi), et cetera, et cetera..... and of course my duwet-duwet syilings (rm2.30 in total)..hoho.."
hoho..penatnyer menaip dengan senafas!!
(ini juga statement tipu..hoho..)
aku rindu ko sgt2~~~
nak dgr lawak bodoh merapu laser ko
hohoh..ramai juga berkata sedemikian...hoho...tula sebab dah subscribe mende pelik2 cenggini la jadinya..wohoho...
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